Our Wedding Blog

Mom to the rescue

My mom came to visit this week and ended up helping me get it together and put it in perspective. I actually got sick from stress, so she stayed for a couple extra days to help me get things done. I’ve had a to do list in my head for months, and getting it all out on paper was a long process, but well worth it. Once it was written down we could start checking things off and I didn’t have the stress of remembering so much.

We also managed to call about a dozen limo companies, and finally book one. We decided to go with a party bus and a Rolls Royce. I first noticed the Rolls for the bride at Lisa’s wedding, and I loved the “here comes the bride” horn. I can’t wait to be the one it’s sounding for! :)

We scheduled a second appointment with the florist. We decided to simplify the flowers to mostly roses. All the different types of flowers we had originally picked out just became to busy and we were over thinking how we could make them into something we liked. Since I love the type of roses that we picked out for the bouquets (vendela roses), we figured why not just stick with what I love? Here’s our new inspiration photo:

Centerpiece inspiration

Another thing we did was schedule a hair and makeup trial for me. I’ve been holding off on this, so I’m glad to have it set up. I am also interested now in understanding more about airbrush makeup. I was under the impression that it was better and didn’t realize there could be any drawbacks. The woman I scheduled the trial with was telling me that she feels airbrush is not usually the best option. I guess we’ll talk more about it during the appointment. Here’s my inspiration photo for my hair:

Hair inspiration photo

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